35 research outputs found

    Выявление «скрытых» ценностей микрорайонов панельной застройки. Идентичность и будущее

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    Microdistricts built up with panel houses are a great resource of housing stock all over the world. In Russia, about 8.6 million people live in such houses. But the problem of how future generations will use this potential stirs up a lot of disputes because of the quality of the urban environment and infrastructure and the size of the living area. Taking as examples the Irkutsk microdistricts, the authors analyze the “hidden” values of the mass housing and formulate possible strategies of its development for future generations.Микрорайоны панельной застройки – большой ресурс жилого фонда во всем мире. Только в России в них живет около 8,6 миллионов россиян [1]. Но из-за качества городской среды и инфраструктуры, а также размера жилой площади вопрос о том, как использовать данный потенциал будущим поколениям, вызывает большие споры. На примерах иркутских микрорайонов проанализированы «скрытые» ценности массовой жилой застройки и сформулированы возможные стратегии ее развития для будущих поколений

    A Methodology for Generative Spelling Correction via Natural Spelling Errors Emulation across Multiple Domains and Languages

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    Modern large language models demonstrate impressive capabilities in text generation and generalization. However, they often struggle with solving text editing tasks, particularly when it comes to correcting spelling errors and mistypings. In this paper, we present a methodology for generative spelling correction (SC), which was tested on English and Russian languages and potentially can be extended to any language with minor changes. Our research mainly focuses on exploring natural spelling errors and mistypings in texts and studying the ways those errors can be emulated in correct sentences to effectively enrich generative models' pre-train procedure. We investigate the impact of such emulations and the models' abilities across different text domains. In this work, we investigate two spelling corruption techniques: 1) first one mimics human behavior when making a mistake through leveraging statistics of errors from particular dataset and 2) second adds the most common spelling errors, keyboard miss clicks, and some heuristics within the texts. We conducted experiments employing various corruption strategies, models' architectures and sizes on the pre-training and fine-tuning stages and evaluated the models using single-domain and multi-domain test sets. As a practical outcome of our work, we introduce SAGE(Spell checking via Augmentation and Generative distribution Emulation). It is a library for automatic generative SC that includes a family of pre-trained generative models and built-in augmentation algorithms.Comment: to appear in EACL 202

    mGPT: Few-Shot Learners Go Multilingual

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    Recent studies report that autoregressive language models can successfully solve many NLP tasks via zero- and few-shot learning paradigms, which opens up new possibilities for using the pre-trained language models. This paper introduces two autoregressive GPT-like models with 1.3 billion and 13 billion parameters trained on 60 languages from 25 language families using Wikipedia and Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus. We reproduce the GPT-3 architecture using GPT-2 sources and the sparse attention mechanism; Deepspeed and Megatron frameworks allow us to parallelize the training and inference steps effectively. The resulting models show performance on par with the recently released XGLM models by Facebook, covering more languages and enhancing NLP possibilities for low resource languages of CIS countries and Russian small nations. We detail the motivation for the choices of the architecture design, thoroughly describe the data preparation pipeline, and train five small versions of the model to choose the most optimal multilingual tokenization strategy. We measure the model perplexity in all covered languages and evaluate it on the wide spectre of multilingual tasks, including classification, generative, sequence labeling and knowledge probing. The models were evaluated with the zero-shot and few-shot methods. Furthermore, we compared the classification tasks with the state-of-the-art multilingual model XGLM. source code and the mGPT XL model are publicly released

    Living Lab in Irkutsk

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    Based on the comparative analysis of Living Labs already operating in Europe and Russia, a mechanism of the Living Lab in the Pervomaysky District of Irkutsk is being developed. The Living Lab will open in the spring of 2022. Its main goal is to initiate a dialogue between the residents, authorities, investors and experts and to organize a permanent cooperation mechanism for all stakeholders. The purpose of the Living Lab is to identify the possibility of revitalizing the pedestrian boulevard as a linking space between the Pervomaisky and Universitetsky districts on the basis of the analysis of the use of public spaces of the district and the needs of the residents


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    Nowadays, in the system of scientific and practical knowledge, the question of developing the functional condition of students with HIA remains little studied.The article considers the important problem of health-saving technologies by means of introducing a unified methodology with the use of sports board games into the educational process of students assigned to a special medical group. The significance of the study is due to the fact that this unified technique is available to students in all types of pathologies, solves the problems of inclusive education, helps to increase motor activity, and as a result, it positively affects the functional indicators of the body of students of special medical groups (SMG).The study involved 406 students (17-20 years old). The experiment consisted of 3 stages. At each stage, the functional state of the condition was examined and the dynamics of the indicators for the Rufier Sample and Body Mass Index were monitored. The validity of the differences in the experimental data obtained at the 3 stages of the experiment was checked by: average arithmetic, percentage increase, Mann-Whitney U-criterion.The study showed that the applied technique is suitable for students with any type of deviations in the state of health and improves their functional condition of the body. На сегодняшний день в системе научно-практических знаний остается малоизученным вопрос о развитии функционального состояния студентов с ОВЗ.В статье рассматривается важная проблема здоровьесберегающих технологий средствами внедрения унифицированной методики с применением спортивных настольных игр в образовательный процесс студентов, отнесенных к специальной медицинской группе.Значимость исследования обусловлена тем, что данная унифицированная методика доступна для студентов при любых видах патологий, решает задачи инклюзивного образования, помогает увеличить двигательную активность, а как следствие и положительно влияет на функциональные показатели организма студентов специальных медицинских групп (СМГ).В исследовании приняли участие 406 студентов (17-20 лет). Эксперимент состоял из 3 этапов. На каждом этапе проходило тестирование функционального состояния организма и велись наблюдения за динамикой показателей по Пробе Руфье и Индексу массы тела. Статистическая значимость различий полученных экспериментальных данных на 3 этапах эксперимента было проверено по: средней арифметической, приросту процентного показателя, U-критерию Манна-Уитни.Проведенное исследование показало, что примененная методика подходит студентам с любыми видами отклонений в состоянии здоровья и улучшает их функциональное состояние организма

    Опыт реновации панельной застройки 1960–1980 годов в Германии

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    The article presents the materials and the key conclusions of the research and practice excursion around the three German cities (Berlin, Dresden and Halle) visited by professors and students of the Architectural Faculty of INRTU Institute of Architecture and Construction in 2016. The excursion was financially supported by the Volkswagen Foundation to analyze and summarize the successful German practices in realizing the complex programs on renovation of the territory of mass panel house-building of the 1960-1980s.В статье представлены материалы и основные выводы научно-практической экскурсии преподавателей и студентов архитектурного факультета Института архитектуры и строительства ИрНИТУ, прошедшей в 2016 году по трем городам Германии (Берлин, Дрезден, Галле) и осуществленной при финансовой поддержке Фонда «Фольксваген» с целью анализа и обобщения положительного опыта Германии в реализации комплексных программ реновации территорий массовой панельной застройки 1960–1980-х годов

    The use of argon plasma coagulation in mammoplasty as a prevention of postoperative complications

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    The frequency of reoperations associated with complications after mammoplasty reaches 15 % during the first year. There are many ways and means for processing the soft tissues of the breast during mammoplasty, helping to reduce the risk of postoperative complications. The purpose of this work was to develop an algorithm for the application of the argon plasma technique for tissue treatment in mammoplasty. Material and methods. The study included 30 females aged 23 to 46 who underwent mammoplasty. The patients were divided into 2 groups of 15 people. In group 1, standard methods of processing soft tissues were used, and in group 2, the argon plasma technique was used in conjunction with the use of Aristo glue. Patients were observed in the early, late and distant postoperative period. Results. In the course of the study, in addition to the excellent coagulation and bactericidal action of argon plasma, the effect of “pulling up” the soft tissues of the mammary gland was found, which, in case of ptosis of I and II degrees, made it possible to use a smaller implant to achieve an optimal aesthetic result. Also, when using the argon plasma technology, no inflammatory processes were observed, the amount of exudative fluid in the drains decreased, the pain syndrome was significantly less pronounced in comparison with patients who underwent the standard method of tissue processing. Conclusions. This study confirms the fact that the use of argon plasma coagulation in the processing of breast tissue has a significant number of advantages compared to standard methods

    CAR T-solujen uupuminen pitkäaikaisen ja toistuvan stimulaation jälkeen

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    Kimeeristä antigeenireseptoria (chimeric antigen receptor, CAR) ilmentävät CAR T-solut ovat geneettisesti muokattuja ja yleensä autologisia T-soluja. De novo suunniteltu CAR sitoo spesifistä antigeeniä syöpäsolujen pinnalla, mikä indusoi T-solureseptorista riippumattoman aktivaation ja sytotoksisen vasteen kohdesoluja vastaan. Vaikka CAR T-soluterapian on osoitettu olevan tehokas akuutissa lymfoblastisessa leukemiassa, diffuusissa suurisoluisessa B-solulymfoomassa ja multippelissa myeloomassa, useat vastustusmekanismit voivat johtaa CAR T-solujen uupumiseen, mikä heikentää solujen toimintaa ja edistää immuunivasteen säätelijämolekyylien ilmentymistä. Suomen Punaisen Ristin Veripalvelu on kehittänyt uudenlaisia CAR T-soluvalmisteita, joiden CAR-rakenne poikkeaa aikaisemmin julkaistujen CAR T-solujen CAR-rakenteista. CAR T-solujen uupumista pyritään välttämään, ja sen ollessa yksi keskeisimmistä tavoitteista CAR T-soluterapian kehittämisessä, tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää menetelmä, joka määrittäisi CAR T-solujen uupumista in vitro pitkäaikaisen ja toistuvan stimulaation jälkeen. Projektissa tutkittiin myös CAR T-solujen valmistusmenetelmässä käytettyjen ko-aktivoivien sytokiinien IL-2 ja IL-7/IL-15 vaikutusta CAR T-solujen uupumiseen. Kokeiden aikana CAR T-solujen sytotoksisuutta ja jakautumista seurattiin sekä erilaisten immuunivasteen säätelijämolekyylien ilmentymistä analysoitiin. Menetelmällä vertailtiin suunniteltujen CAR T-solujen toiminnan eroja suhteessa toisiinsa sekä positiiviseen kontrolliin, CD19-CD28ζ CAR T-soluihin. Vertailu paljasti myös yllättävän eron IL-2 ja IL-7/IL-15 sytokiineja sisältävien valmistusmenetelmien välillä, sekä niiden vaikutuksen CAR T-solujen uupumiseen. Vaikka CAR T-soluvalmistuksen aikana IL-2 CAR T-solujen jakautuminen oli huonompi kuin IL-7/IL-15 CAR T-solujen, ne osoittivat uupumiseen liittyvien markkereiden vähäisempää ilmentymistä, parempaa selviytymistä, jakautumista ja sytotoksista aktiivisuutta pitkäaikaisen ja toistuvan stimulaation aikana.Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are genetically modified usually autologous T cells expressing de novo designed CAR that binds a specific antigen on the surface of the cancer cells, inducing T cell receptor-independent activation and cytotoxic response against the targeted cancer cells. While CAR T cells have been shown to offer effective treatment in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, several resistance mechanisms can lead to CAR T cell exhaustion characterized by impaired functions and the expression of inhibitory receptors. The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service has developed novel CARs, differing in structure from the ones currently published. Since the evasion of CAR T cell exhaustion is considered one of the key objectives in the development of CAR T cell therapy, this Master’s thesis project aimed to create a working method to determine the exhaustion of CAR T cells in vitro after long-term repeated stimulation. In order to induce and measure exhaustion, CAR T cells were produced and activated ex vivo in the presence of IL-2 or IL-7/IL-15 cytokines, cultured long-term and repeatedly stimulated by exposure to target cells. CAR T cell cytotoxicity and expansion were determined and the expression of various inhibitory receptors was analyzed. The method enabled the comparison of the designed CAR T cell candidates and the positive control CD19-CD28ζ CAR T cells in long-term cytotoxic potency. In addition, it helped to reveal the surprising difference between IL-2 and IL-7/IL-15 cytokines and their impact on CAR T cell exhaustion. Although CAR T cells produced with IL-2 had poorer expansion during CAR T cell production than CAR T cells produced with IL-7/IL-15, they showed lower expression of exhaustion-related markers supported by better survival, proliferation and cytotoxic activity during long-term repeated stimulation assay

    How design can contribute to children's neurological rehabilitation? Case study: Co-designing paediatric rehabilitation programs for learning disabilities

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    What is the role of designer in project development of rehabilitation programs? Designer plays the conductive role between different groups of specialists of various competences and frames of reference (e.g. engineers, software developers, doctors, therapists etc.), and communities of individuals with particular characteristics (potential users or customers: patients, children, parents etc.), uniting them together as a productive multidisciplinary team and contributing knowledge of his own competence (product design, graphic design, interface design, user experience design, ergonomics etc.) In order to be able to organize, manage and be the valuable part of the project developing team, designer should inevitably become a multidisciplinary researcher as well. Answering the main research questions: How design can contribute to children\u2019s neurological rehabilitation? Present research exposed the example of successfully developing multidisciplinary project on robotic rehabilitation system for Dysgraphia. In our case the therapeutic equipment for certain neurological disorder in a certain infant neuropsychiatric department is being brought to a new quality level. Consequently patient\u2019s therapeutic experience is to become more pleasant and exciting, so the efficiency of rehabilitation process is being improved. Moreover our suggestion is that using our general guidelines of project development in this field would bring to similar positive results